I'm working on a Processing project called "Nuclear Bundling Visualizer". Part of the project is to draw something on a geographic coordination. Turns out, it's pretty complicated!
To locate a point on the sphere:
Mr.Philipp Oehrlein wrote a good blog post about mapping data from Latitude and Longitude to points in 3D space. Here's his method for such conversion:
private PVector toPointOnGlobe(float lat, float lng)
float _lat = radians(lat) * -1;
float _lng = radians(lng);
float x = radius * cos(_lat) * cos(_lng);
float y = radius * sin(_lat) * (-1);
float z = radius * cos(_lat) * sin(_lng);
return new PVector(x, y, z);
My teacher Joe Pietruch and I spent some time to figure out the other problem: What if I want to draw a flat object that is tangent to the sphere at such point? This would require finding out the 3D rotation that object requires.
// 1. Since all discs are drawn on x and y only, suppose a vector is pointing // out normal to the disc (normal to the x and y plane)
PVector discNormal = new PVector(0, 0, 1);
// 2. Because rotate() rotates an angle around an axis (could be a vector),
// We need to rotate the disc on the plane the disc and a [line that
// points from middle of sphere to the point on globe] forms
PVector line = toPointOnGlobe(lat, lng);
// (cont. 2) and to do that, we get the vector normal to such plane using
// cross()
PVector axis = line.cross(discNormal);
// 3. Find the angle that needs to be rotated
float ang = PVector.angleBetween(line, discNormal);
// 4. Rotate the flat circle on such plane, around that axis, by that amount
// of degree.
translate(v1.x, v1.y, v1.z);
rotate(-ang, axis.x, axis.y, axis.z);
Well wasn't that a huge chunk...
[TODO] Make pretty 3D illustrations to show how it works step by step.
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