...Then you should consider using PokeStadium's pokemon sprite database. It has a nice structure that makes it very easy to be used in coding, as well as a large collection that covers different generations and perspectives.
Of the pokemon sprite databases I see on the 'net, many of them use some kind of content management system that makes confusing URLs of images and/or webpages, or they would put pokemons of a generation into one big spritesheet, then only display parts of it for each individual pokemon. While the former approach probably makes it easy to manage for the wiki editors and the latter approach reduces webpage loading time by reducing the requests made, none of them are for us data visualizers who just wants a single, clean image from a URL that can be generated by combining few magic worlds with, say, the poke-index of a pokemon.
Well, the PokeStadium's URL for X and Y (which are the most up-to-date ones and covers the most pokemon) goes like this:
"http://www.pokestadium.com/pokemon/sprites/img/main-series/6/x-y/" + poke-index + ".png"
And if you want to use some other versions, such as another Generation, another perspective, animated gif, or shiny, or an animated shiny Charmander from Gen 5 from the back perspective, just look up the pokemon with the sprite searcher, then look at the pictures' URL to figure out the magic words. And keep in mind that lower Gen won't have sprites for pokemon exclusive to higher Gen, and things will get more complicated for mega-evolution and different states of the same pokemon.
(Alternatively, you can also use the slightly less verbose serebii.net pokemon sprites - that's where the sprites in PokeStadium comes from.)
Here's a homework project I put up utilizing pokeSprites. Mouse over dots to see which they are.
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