Last week the FOSS class went to University of Rochester for the Rochester Python User Group Meetup.
We were given basic python intro lecture, and couple classmates went up there and gave lightning talks about their project that uses Python.
The intro-to-python-lecture talks mostly about data types. As M.Soucy pointed out, it was rather too basic and lacks some important concepts such as class and design patterns in Python. Still fun to play around arrays and tuples in the Python terminal window.
The lightning talks, hmm, I was expecting them to be about some new techy tools and techniques. Turns out it's mostly students introducing their projects for Advanced FOSS. One of the ideas I liked was to use raspberry pi to detect the barking of pet at home, and notifying the owner. It's very useful and realistic because a large amount of 911 complaints are about barking dogs. The attendees added more idea to it, such as making it learn what type of bark the owner's pet would make at a certain situation.
Overall, I had fun for the meetup, but it could definitely be better. I would rate it a solid 342/500 cheesecake.
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