Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Literature Review: Fallacies


        David McCandless

        Rhetological Fallacies


        April 2012

    The Gist
        A lively infographic about common rhetoric and logical fallacies. Categorized to "Appeal of the Mind", Appeal to the Emotions", "Faulty Deduction", "Garble cause and effect", "Manipulating Content", and "On the Attack".
        Whew, that was a lot.

    The Good
        1. Strong Graphical elements tat captivates attention.
        2. Large area of coverage.
        3. Categorization and color makes it easier to navigate.

    The Bad
        1. Would be easier to navigate if it's interactive instead of just a png.
        2. Would be easier to transfer the texts if it's interactive instead of just a png.
        3. Minor design flaws: Colors were helpful, but not very associative to content. Also, the top should not have the title touching the border.

    The Questions
    Hmm. There really isn't much to ask. The infographic is very extensive and well-written. The examples also help a lot, and the bottom of the graph shows where the data is coming from.

    Your Review
"Rhetological Fallacies" is an extensive infographic that teaches about common rhetoric and logical fallacies. Being able to recognize these fallacies not only helps with arguing against other's fallacies, but also makes one's own argument better, smarter, stronger. 1337/1337 leet hackers.

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