Wednesday, February 12, 2014

HFOSS Quiz 1: Quiz one.

1. What are the titles of each Pillar?

 - Open Exchange
 - Participation
 - Rapid Prototyping
 - Meritocracy
 - Community

2. What are the titles of each General Principle?

 - Make it interesting and make sure it happens
 - Scratch an itch
 - Minimize how many times you have to reinvent the wheel
 - Solve problems through parallel work processes whenever possible
 - Leverage the law of large numbers
 - Document what you do
 - Release early and release often
 - Talk a lot

3. What are the similarities between Weber's eight principles, and the five pillars?

They both encourage building a better environment for user/developer participation and collaboration. They both encourage making information free, and they both try to make things quickly so that it can be looked at, played with and solved quicker.

4. What are the differences?

The five pillars focus more on encouraging the community, while the eight principles look at open source projects as building a software. It also gives more practical advises for developers on contributing to an open source project.

Bonus: Who's "keen analysis" did Weber "Draw Heavily" upon?"

Eric C. Raymond

Double-Bonus: What was the title of this "keen analysis."

"The Cathedral and the Bazaar"

Triple-Bonus: Where can this keen analysis be found?

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